Monday, October 23, 2006

The trip to the zoo last week with the MomDems went well. CP had a good time and enjoyed seeing all of the other small people. We still have not fed the giraffes yet, but someday she'll hand that big beast a biscuit. This Thursday, I think we'll go somewhere that has swings.

The LW needed some quiet sleep time this morning since CP kept her up most of the night, so CP and I took off in the SS Chariot for spin around 'da'hood'. We stopped at Wilshire Heights park and sat in the swings for a while before returning home to find a sleepy, but refreshed LW.

This past weekend was the CGT pot luck dinner. It went well although the turnout was a bit lighter than I had hoped for. All in attendance seemed to enjoy it and most got some sort of raffle gift to take home. I loaded up with stuff from Lee Valley and I can't wait to hear some reports of how the soil thermometer readings affect the planting dates and the dialogue among the gardeners.

We haven't been doing much lately and the walls are getting a bit close. I look forward to handing CP off to someone for an afternoon and enjoying some "just us" time with the LW. I also look forward to her overnighting somewhere else some time soon. Mmmmm quiet. We're noticing that CP is staring to shift more toward and depend more on solid foods. She's been enjoying cantelope, avocado, and pears......broccoli, not so much. We'll see how this food transition plays out. To me, it would be nice to have CP not depend on the boobies every two hours or so. CP and I could then go places and do things without having to worry about the 3-hour meltdown limit. It's not pretty.

I was actually able to sneak into the garden the other day before everyone woke up and turn over some of the ground. I pulled about 9 big watermelons out and cleaned out the vine. One of the cherry tomato plants got yanked and the garden area is somewhat tidy again. I think that the doves line up on the wires when they see me turning over dirt in the garden. I always toss the fat grubs that I find over the fence into an open area right below them. George has some broccoli plants that need to be moved soon and I will probably take as many as possible. Some will go to our garden plot and some will go in the yard. The soil still looks good in a few of the backyard lots, but a trip to get steer manure and other amendments is in order. We're getting a reeeeally late start, but it can't be helped.

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