Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A beautiful day today and we didn't even get out of the house until about 5pm. The LW went out back and planted some lettuce seeds in the plot closest to the fence. Hopefully it'll shade them a bit and keep them from bolting. We put CP in her swing in the garden and she did pretty well. We put in small broccoli, cabbage, and romaine lettuce yesterday before the rain came. It was nice to hear, but with every storm I'm reminded that our water storage tank still needs a concrete base.

I've been trying to get the CGT newsletter out the door for the past two days and it just isn't working out. Most of the space is filled and I've almost completed it, but the input this time outside of the regular contributors was, to put it nicely, scant. I really don't know what to do to get more people involved, but something has to change. There are a world of interesting topics out there without even going outside the vegetable realm. Getting into it and picking a topic is the hard part and our gardeners already pay their money and take care of their plots/gardens. It's a tough spot.

CP is constantly surprising us with funny stuff. This evening she looked right at the LW and said, "mama". The LW said that it was just a fluke, but I know better. That kid already knows which side her bread is buttered on. Today was also the first full solid poo day.....yayy! Our sprout is growing fast.

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