Sunday, August 06, 2006

Last night was CP's second night in her room/home office in the crib. It's gone well for both of us and CP has begun to make it through the night until about 3am before needing the boobs. I think that it's made us happier and hasn't bothered her a bit.

The above picture is from the garden meeting where she got to play with 'Oma' Darlene and George under the pomegranate tree. We were late due to a bit of regurgitation into the car seat. The LW had just fixed her in the seat when it appeared that she was a small milk pump and began shooting every bit of liquid from her stomach into the crevices and basin of the car seat. We got a little bit of training about how the covers go on and off of the Britax yesterday. Not as bad as expected, but, as an acquaintance noted the other day, "man, that's a huge car seat".

We went over to Oma's for dinner last night. CP got to swim in the pool again and absolutely loved it. Her schedule was a bit off though, due to a really long nap on the LW's chest, and her sleeping times got a little mixed. I got to try out a new addition to my salsa experiment - roasted anaheim peppers. It turned out really nicely and after blending, it ended up looking similar to the salsa that we really like over at El Charro.

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