Thursday, February 01, 2007

CP officially has the norovirus stuff that I had. She seems to be handling it well and the diapers are bearing the brunt of the gale force GI blast. I think at times she's definitely hitting an 8 on the Beaufort scale. The LW has avoided it so far.

"We are the people who run this country, ..We are the deciders." ~ Molly Ivins
Who will fill the shoes of this woman? 62 short years on this rock just wasn't enough.

The LW and I watched the Supreme Court show on PBS last night and it was good. There were some interesting decisions that came down under FDR. It was interesting to me to be reminded of the New Deal public works stuff that went on during the depression era and contrast that with what little I've seen of the what I consider the "lame deal" public works efforts in foreign countries by US corporations.

New Deal - US citizens got jobs to build US infrastructure.
Lame Deal - US government "loans" money to foreign countries and then has US corporations do the "building", thus leaving foreign countries as debters who can be controlled. Throw in regime change before or after the loans and things get interesting.....

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