Thursday, January 08, 2009

Mmmm Mmmmm Good

There's nothing like having a one-income household in these financial times that relies on contract work with a big computer and bigdrivesinthebasement type company. Well, evidently they had their super-efficient contract signer down in the basement with a red swingline stapler working on TPS reports. This ingrained silliness resulted in a dozen or so contractors being furlowed just like the year before last. To add insult to this year's missing paychecks, several of the projects aren't being funded and the shuffle is on. Luckily, the LW's contracting company put her into training mode and idled her with pay for a week. On the flip side of that luck though, was news today that she'll be taking an unexpected week off without pay soon and may be out of work at the end of the quarter.


TDP said...

How unnerving. Looks like there will be plenty of folks available as census workers. Sigh.

AMorris said...

Yup. The problem is that I'm a stay at home dad and the contract job is our income. Living in t-town may very well become untenable at some point. This is a low-wage town for the most part.

TDP said...

Have you ever visited Casaubon's book?

There are many concrete things listed on her site for folks to do to help keep our families fed, etc. during the now-upon us downturn. Sharon has just completed her third book on the subject. Check it out, might have something that might be helpful to you.

I feel for you. I am a single person, sole support of myself ( mortgage, student loan, etc etc) who is currently in a temp 40 hours a week position that will expire at the end of May 2009. Got one more 401K I can cash in, hoping for a good tax return this year, and might eventually try selling my (paid-off) car. All of that might get me to September so that I can go back to the temp full time position. The census is now taking applicants, and I am considering applying. $12-$15 an hour, full time work. Probably will fill up fast, me thinks.

AMorris said...

Thanks Bird, I feel for you too and hope that all works out well in the end. Try not to get rid of the car if you can help it - that one's a hard hill to climb back up.

I've checked some of that site out, but I'll have to avoid the peak oiler portion of it. It's hard to read without hearing chicken little's voice...