CP's a bit cranky this morning and I think that she has more bottom teeth coming soon.
This past weekend was full of gardening stuff. 3 garden meetings, one steering committee meeting, and a great potluck. We had a good time and CP got to visit with everyone. Things are growing well all over and the newest gardeners are learning by doing - the best way. I'm a bit worn out with garden stuff this week and I feel like I need a break from all things garden.
Saturday morning we fell into a bit of livestock. 2 laying hens and a duck. We'd been planning on having hens for eggs and this deal was too good to pass up. We got the coop and some feed as part of the deal as well. "The girls" have been laying one egg a day each and it's been wonderful to watch them...well, be chickens. CP loves them! Yesterday Lemon (the duck) decided that he'd had enough of our hospitality and that he'd move along down the road. He evidently flew the coop and hasn't been back. He's a funny little thing and I hope that he comes back. One of the hens, Veronica (Lakenfelder), was quite attached to him. We look forward to having two more hens for eggs and that'll be it for us.
The LW has been getting out of the house this week and heading downtown on the bicycle to work. It's good to see her out and about although I worry about her in traffic with all of the bad drivers that inhabit this town. She rides on a main street that has wide bicycle lanes and really enjoys it. I told her yesterday that it is good to have her out of the house. When she's gone, it's just CP and me....and that's nice. I don't have to worry about CP bothering her while she's working and I'm doing chores. It all works out fine this way.....except for that whole mammary gland thing........
CP's first birthday is coming up fast. 5/4/6. I can't believe a year has passed already. It seems like a sleepy blur of crying, nursing, and sleep deprivation. Wouldn't trade it for anything though.
So sad to hear this morning about all of those folks that got shot yesterday. Parents and children left behind to find their way. What a senseless mess. Why don't the people that do this type stuff just save us all some trouble and use just one bullet to end their own misery? Why erase the future of people who are moving forward? I just heard a story on NPR about people praying about this and can't really understand that either. Pray to the supposedly omnipotent entity that allowed this to happen - that seems to me to be the height of foolishness and I don't know who to feel more sadness for - people who lost their loved ones from senseless violence or people who lose loved ones to a half life of supernatural servitude hoping for the promise of redemption of some variety or another.
It's a nutty world we live in....
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