Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Took the LW to the midwife appt this morning. She's growing as she should be and the baby's heartbeat was good. She measured ok on the circumference of the tummy and is back up to 154lbs - fightin' weight. Her new boss is still giving her fits, but she'll get him ironed out soon.

I got the laminate flooring installed this afternoon in our room for a surprise and she loves it. It does well with the wall colors that I finished earlier in the week. (Gypsy Magic - purple and California Poppy - orange) I've still got to finish the trim before the in-laws get here in a couple of weeks, but a little bit of 3/4" shoe molding should do nicely.

I'll go this weekend to look at a Mercedes 300 diesel wagon in Phoenix. It's a possibility, but who knows. I'll have to sell the bus if we decide to get it since I can only have one project vehicle going at one time. It'll have to be a pretty good deal to make it worth selling the bus.

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