Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Drunk Morons and Crazy People with Guns

This and this pretty much say it all today.

I guess the neighbors of this Delich loser that shot the cops said that he would talk to rocks and fruit in his back yard. I want to know how that idiot got all of the weapons that he was shown with....and how he afforded a really expensive looking house. The house doesn't appear to be in his name, so maybe he was just renting or living off of someone else. Either way, he should have had some meds or a bullet.

I bet the guy that ran into all of those cyclists is trying to claim that he's a US citizen so he can lawyer up and get off. I wonder if Mexico would fry him up. I think that if someone did that at a race here, the cops would have to pry people off of their drunk arse.


Bitty said...

No, Mexico won't "fry him up." No death penalty. I only know this because of the Maria Lauderbach murder -- her perpetrator ran off to Mexico and Mexico would only extradite if we promised not to execute him if convicted.

This is the kind of Life Is Sucky stuff I had in mind when I made my other comment up above.

AMorris said...

Ahhh....Mexico is almost a good ally as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan....