Thursday, September 03, 2009


The LW and I caught the latter part of the American Masters show last night on Dalton Trumbo. It was an interesting show and I especially liked the letter to his daughter's school that he penned.

I wonder, as a non-believer in what soon will be a sea of sky-fairy flotsam, how my daughter will fare at school. She came home last week from preschool with the folded hands/god is great/early indoctrination stuff at the lunch table and was advised that she didn't have to do that. We'll see. I sometimes wonder how long religions would prosper if children weren't immersed in pick-and-choose religious stories before their ability to employ reliable critical thought were developed. It takes some a lifetime to shake off the early childhood things that our parents tell us are true.....sadly, most never make it. Victims of comfort.

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