Tuesday, March 21, 2006

CP is healthy and her heartbeat is fine. That's the news from the midwives at the Birth Center. Our little one continues to kickbox her mom's internal organs though and as an aside, has begun to give her mom some pretty stout back pain. Our doula is coming over tonight to do a basic interview session. It will be nice to meet her and see how her personality fits with the LW.

I'm almost done with my master gardener course and will be glad to not have to drive an hour or so each way to get to the class. This past week was citrus and Dr. Glenn Wright layed it out for us. By the end of his presentation, I wanted to plant all kinds of strange fruit. I had never heard of the Pummelo or the Cara Cara or most of the other varieties that he mentioned, but I'm determined to try them. It was a great class. Hopefully this fall we can get some dwarfs planted, but I have to see what performs well on "Flying Dragon" rootstock. I'd like an Oro Blanco and a Minneola Tangelo - the LW and I will have to wrestle over the other choices.

It rained here recently and it was a welcome sight. I'm sure that the critters enjoyed it. I figured that T. Beth over at FireFlyForest would have some great pictures this week. She never disappoints.

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