It's a bit cool today and I got chased out of the garden by sprinkling rain. I was out pulling up the broccoli that bolted and working on two new plots. Some of it that bolted into flowers is left in the garden for the bees. They are having quite a time with it. These two latest plots will bring the garden up to what I consider to be its maximum of 9 plots. It'll provide roughly 250 square feet of planting space and should be just about right for producing what we can use. Since it is a bit shady today, I pulled both of our heating pads out of the closet and put them under the new sprouting plants in the kitchen. Some of the seeds from two weeks ago are just now starting to break the ground while others are taking off.
The LW continues to grow large and has a hard time getting comfortable on the new futon couch/bed that we purchased recently. We didn't have any place for the inlaws to sleep during their upcoming visit, so it was a necessity. The LW will be more comfortable in a month or so when CP comes out to greet everyone.
I spoke to a guy this morning who wants to put in a garden at a local group home for men. They have a huge space (5+ acres) and evidently have some willing participants. Their idea is to have a big garden for pumpkins that they can sell to the public around halloween and to have some individual plots for some of the residents. It'll be good if we can get it all set up and running.
The house next door is for sale and we wonder whether we'll actually have someone come in an purchase the house to live in or if it will continue to be a rental home. It is listed for almost twice what we paid for ours, so that bodes well for a bit of easy equity.

7 days is all it took for most of the seedlings to come up and start moving. The leader so far seems to be the heirloom pole beans called "Lazy Housewife". They're moving right along and it's good to see so many sprouts. I've only got a few slow babies in this group. It was hard to choose which sprout in each cell to cut as they all look really great. I hope to start corn soon, but I still have to figure out which variety that I'd like to plant.
LW continues to do well and spent some time in the front yard and the garden this weekend sunning herself and little CP. This is the 31st week and the back pain and sleepiness are just now starting to hit. This week the childbirth classes will start and we really don't know what to expect.

This week's been a bit slow except for the broccoli bolting. That has happened fast with the heat and strong sun that these plants have been getting during the day.
Things are settling down with the LW, although the little one, now in her 30th week of gestation, has taken up organ wrestling - much to the chagrin of the LW. The LW continues to grow larger and we found some "new" clothes for her at one of the local used clothing stores last night. She was thrilled and left for work happily in a different outfit.
The massage practice is still moving along slowly. It seems as though I'm stuck in between the desire to push the business and the upcoming time when I know it will be scaled back due to S(tay A(t) H(ome) D(ad) type stuff. It's an uncomfortable limbo that leaves me to focus on plants or floors or some such distraction. Wierd phase, I guess.
I've been reading from RebelDad and some of the others out there. I've been keeping track of growth with the calendar from BrandNewDad. She should be a little over 3lbs and about 14" or so.
This weekend is the Presidio garden meeting with the Community Gardens. It should be a good time and it'll be interesting to see what's growing. We have an ongoing spinach trial at this garden to determine what grows best in our conditions.

The LW continues to go round and round with the new boss and we'll see what happens. It doesn't look good, but she's not worried about it... We've decided not to go and look at the Mercedes 300TD Wagon. It needs a bit more TLC than our current (or future) budget will allow and would not be a wise purchase at this time. Someday we'll be making our own fuel, just not today.
I've been putting down trim and threshold strips this afternoon. It's slow work and messing with drilling into concrete is a pain. The broccoli was a bit floppy this afternoon so I just turned on the tap to give everything in the garden a good drink. It's supposed to be close to 80 degrees today and any time spent in the sunshine quickly confirms that it's close to that already.
We got a box of goodies from Brandon, MS yesterday. Wow, some of those little clothes are cute and should come in handy. We really appreciate it and look forward to everyone getting to visit with her some time this year.